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Country profile: Germany 
The trauma of post-war division is now firmly in the past but over a decade and a half on from the collapse of the Berlin Wall, Germany has yet to come up with the economic key to coping with its aftermath.
Regarded in the 1980s as the economic giant of Europe, the country faced enormous challenges with reunification.

Full name: Federal Republic of Germany
Population: 82.5 million (UN, 2005)
Capital: Berlin
Area: 357,027 sq km (137,849 sq miles)
Major language: German
Major religion: Christianity
Life expectancy: 76 years (men), 81 years (women) (UN)
Monetary unit: 1 euro = 100 cents
Main exports: Motor vehicles, electrical machinery, metals
GNI per capita: US $34,580 (World Bank, 2006)
Internet domain: .de
International dialling code: +49